+7 (8313) 27-25-84, 27-25-72


The manufacturing complex of the Sintez OKA Group of Companies is represented by modern industrial enterprise located in the Eastern industrial district of the Dzerzhinsk city of the Nizhniy Novgorod region. Enterprise continuously work on implementation of new production technologies and extension of the range of released products..

CJSC «Himsorbent» is Russia's only manufacture of methyldiethanolamine (MDEA), a high-tech sorbent used mainly in the oil, gas and air-nitrogen industries. Other parts of the complex include the manufacture of mixed special sorbents for gas treatment based on MDEA.

The founders of the company are: OJSC «Gazprom» and CJSC CJSC «Himtek Engineering».

Nowadays the manufacturing complex of CJSC «Himsorbent» is dynamically developing, and new solutions are being created and implemented in order to meet the growing consumer`s demands.

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Now, 45 % of CJSC «Himsorbent» production goes for export.

In cooperation with CJSC CJSC «Himtek Engineering», Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry and Gazprom VNIIGAZ efforts are underway to assess consumer preferences and requirements to quality characteristics of products. As a result, new solutions for gas treatment process are regularly introduced to meet different consumer`s demands.

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