+7 (8313) 27-25-84, 27-25-72

Production control laboratory is accredited by the Accreditation System of analytical laboratories (centers) for technical competence in the conduct of quantitative chemical analysis (QCA) of objects in the declared area of accreditation.

 Production control laboratory of the CJSC "Himsorbent" (rus) 

 Certificate of accreditation No. ROSS RU.0001.515622 till October 28, 2016 (rus)

Production control laboratory meets the requirements of the GOST R ISO/MEK 17025 in terms of the availability of and compliance with technical requirements that ensure the analytical work in the declared area of accreditation, and management requirements to ensure the stability of the laboratory.

The results quality assurance system operating in the laboratory, allows obtaining reliable and valid measurement results.

The laboratory’s sphere of action: a quantitative analysis of chemical products for the incoming and acceptance control.


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